Digital Marketing Strategy

Build the marketing strategy that’s right for you with our team of experts. You’ll reach your online customers effectively and maximize your return on investment.

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Online Advertising (PPC)

We’re a passionate team, ready to help you discover the many facets of online advertising. Choose this marketing channel, known for its reliability and speed.

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Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Discover the power of Search Engine Optimization with our SEO agency and benefit from results that last over time.

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The Ideal Web Marketing

A web marketing strategy is a detailed plan aimed at achieving business objectives through the use of digital channels. These channels can be online advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), social media management, content strategy or sales funnels.

When properly developed, this digital marketing plan enables you to reach your target customers effectively. It optimizes marketing efforts to maximize return on investment.

Orphic’s digital marketing strategy

We believe that building the best digital marketing plan starts with listening carefully to your needs. We begin the development of your strategy by discussing your needs, objectives, budget and so on. This allows us to put in place an approach that will meet your expectations.

Moreover, we believe that personalized web marketing is the key to success. Every project is unique, and that’s what motivates us to innovate! Our experts know how to recognize the particularities of a project and adjust the plan accordingly. Contact our digital marketing agency to find out more about our approach.

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The Importance of Online Advertising

Online advertising is broad, covering a variety of media such as search engines, social networks and websites. An advertising campaign is used to structure and plan the type of publicity to be issued, the target media and the delivery schedule.

An interesting branch of online advertising is PPC (pay-per-click). It is an online advertising model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. Essentially, it’s a way of buying visits to your site, rather than earning them organically. PPC ads appear on search engines, social media platforms, and various websites, targeting specific keywords or audience segments. This method is effective for driving targeted traffic quickly, as advertisers only pay when their ad generates interest through clicks.

Online advertising with Orphic

For us, it’s essential that every advertising campaign is well structured and clearly explained. We like to take the time to present the different options available to you and advise you on the best strategy to adopt.

With our experts, you structure your advertising campaign according to two main criteria:

  • Campaign Goal: While the primary aim of an advertising campaign is to boost visibility, it can also have more specific objectives. These might include reaching a specific customer segment, increasing the number of calls, or driving more traffic to a website—all with the ultimate goal of boosting sales.
  • Campaign Type: The most suitable type of campaign is chosen based on its specific objectives. Our expertise spans pay-per-click (PPC), social media advertising, display ads, and geo-targeted campaigns.

Why PPC?

This marketing channel offers numerous significant advantages:

  • Increased Visibility: By securing top positions in search engine results pages, you naturally boost the number of visitors to your site, and therefore the number of potential customers!
  • Quick Results: Unlike SEO, online advertising through PPC delivers fast, even immediate results after your campaign is launched.
  • Measurable: PPC offers tools to measure campaign performance, making it easy to make adjustments and optimize results.
  • Precise Targeting: PPC campaigns allow you to target specific audiences based on various criteria such as keywords, geographic location (geo-targeting), and online behaviors.
  • Budget Control: You always maintain control over the budget allocated to your PPC campaign. You can easily increase your investment or stop the campaign at any time.
  • Complementary to SEO: By providing immediate visibility, PPC complements SEO efforts, which deliver long-term visibility. Additionally, combining both strategies allows for comprehensive coverage of search engine results pages, placing your site in both paid and organic results.

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The Power of Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) focuses on improving a website’s ranking on search engines without direct payment. It involves a combination of techniques, such as keyword research, web content writing, and link building, to enhance a site’s SEO.

Optimizing a website’s SEO is a powerful and essential marketing strategy that should not be underestimated.

Organic Search Optimization with Our SEO Agency

We are deeply passionate about SEO and find our motivation in the success of our clients. That’s why our experts rely on the best tools to take your site to the next level. In our view, SEO requires proactivity, continuous effort, and strong communication with our clients.

Over time, we have perfected our SEO approach. We are proud to offer you an experience that allows you to harness the full potential of this powerful marketing strategy. Our SEO service includes:

  • SEO Audit
  • Keyword Research
  • Content Improvement
  • Link Building
  • Relevant Reddit Thread Research
  • Technical SEO Optimization
  • Local SEO
  • Ongoing Monitoring
  • Recurring Performance Reports

Why SEO?

Although its results are less direct and immediate, SEO is particularly effective and valuable for businesses of all kinds, as it allows:

  • Increased Visibility: Like PPC, SEO boosts your site’s visibility by ranking it higher on search engine pages, but in an organic way, without the “Sponsored” label.
  • Enhanced Credibility: Consumers generally attribute more credibility to businesses that appear in the top organic search results.
  • Sustainability: Although SEO requires ongoing effort and its effects are more long-term, the improvements made to your site are never lost and continue to benefit you over time.
  • Precise Targeting: SEO audits help identify the keywords your customers use in their searches. This allows us to tailor your web content effectively to target your audience.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: SEO is a short-term investment that delivers continuous and lasting benefits in the long term. Once well-established, this strategy continues to generate traffic without additional costs.

Social Media Management

Let us help you enhance your company’s credibility by optimizing your presence on social media.

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Content Strategy (Web Copywriting)

Develop your content strategy with us to take advantage not only of the knowledge of our writers but also of our SEO agency expertise.

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Social Media: A Must-Have

Social media management encompasses all the activities and strategies implemented to optimize a company’s presence on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others. This practice, now indispensable, is essential for a company’s online visibility.

Social Media Management with Orphic

At Orphic, we guide you through every step of managing your social media. Our mission is to help you enjoy the process of content creation while making it easier for you. By entrusting us with your social media management, you save valuable time that you can dedicate to other essential aspects of your business.

We understand that success on social media lies in consistency, which is why we ensure a regular and engaging presence for your audience. Our team enjoys creating high-quality, eye-catching content designed to attract your future clients.

Why Improve Your Social Media Presence?

Being omnipresent in people’s lives, social media holds a significant place in digital marketing. An active and well-managed presence on these platforms allows you to:

  • Increased Visibility: Social media is now a part of everyday life for many people. This is why having a strong presence naturally enhances your brand’s visibility.
  • Attracting New Clients: With appealing content tailored to your audience, there’s real potential to expand your customer base and increase your sales!
  • Enhancing Credibility: Maintaining a consistent and professional presence on social media is an excellent way to boost your company’s credibility. It helps your audience build trust with you.
  • Maintaining a Direct Connection with Clients: Being active on social media is an easy way to maintain a direct connection with your customers by interacting with them. Whether through personalized content, responding to comments, or engaging in private messages, the opportunities are numerous. In doing so, you build a loyal community around your business.

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Effective Web Copywriting

Content strategy is a plan that guides the creation, management, and distribution of a company’s online content. This content includes everything that might interest a target audience, such as websites, social media, blogs, forums, and more.

Effective web copywriting begins with clearly defining objectives, understanding the audience, and conducting keyword research. This foundation enables the creation and planning of content that is both effective and engaging.

Content strategy with Orphic

At Orphic, we believe that a successful content strategy is built on a detailed plan that guides what content should be produced and when. With this framework, we ensure that every step is perfectly aligned to maximize your profitability.

Moreover, our SEO expertise takes our web copywriting approach to the next level. Our writers use advanced tools to conduct thorough keyword research, ensuring that your content is not only engaging but also precisely tailored to reach your target audience.

We are proud to offer you a web copywriting service that is creative, efficient, and meticulous.

Why Have a Content Strategy?

By carefully planning the distribution of your content on the web, you can fully maximize the benefits of this strategy. Specifically, it allows you to:

  • Encourage Conversion: One of the goals of web copywriting is to create content that converts visitors into customers. It’s a powerful tool for boosting your sales.
  • Ensure a Consistent Online Presence: A well-defined content strategy ensures a consistent and professional online presence. This enhances your company’s credibility and builds trust with your audience.
  • Enhance User Experience: Having engaging and well-structured web content captures users’ attention and makes their experience on your pages more enjoyable and interactive.
  • Improve SEO: By combining web copywriting with organic search optimization (SEO) techniques, you create a powerful tool that increases your chances of expanding your audience and, consequently, your customer base.

Our Web Marketing Agency’s 4-Step Approach

While each project is unique and we tailor our methods to each of our clients, our web marketing approach can be summarized in four simple steps. Contact us to develop your own customized strategy with us!

Kickoff Meeting

We always begin the development of a marketing strategy with a meeting to thoroughly understand your business. During this discussion, you’ll share your expectations, goals, and budget—everything we need to create a plan perfectly tailored to your needs. To optimize this meeting, we will send you a list of the preliminary information we require, such as your access codes, a list of your main competitors, and any relevant internal documents. This first step includes:

Market Analysis and Strategy Development

Once all the information is gathered, we get to work! We analyze your current strategy, competitors, and opportunities. Then, taking into account your expectations and goals, our experts develop the marketing plan that suits your company. This plan will guide all marketing efforts in the coming months. This phase includes:

Implementation of the Strategy

As soon as we have your approval, we implement the initial steps of the established plan. We are always available if you wish to make adjustments to evolve your digital marketing over time. This phase includes:

Monitoring and Performance Reporting

We like to conduct monthly follow-ups with our clients to update you on the performance of marketing efforts and key success indicators. The frequency of these meetings can be adjusted based on your needs. This includes: